Wednesday, October 15, 2014

How do you say, "Creando videos"?

In Señora Bejar-Massey's 8th grade Spanish class, she asks students to record themselves speaking Spanish. Over the course of the year, students collect their videos and are able to reflect on their growth as Spanish speakers. . . awesome.

This year, Señora decided to add a few levels to the technology - students will now upload their videos to a Google Apps for Ed YouTube account (where they can make the video private and share only with Señora). They, they'll hand their assignments in via Google Classroom, and Señora will use to comment directly on the videos.

Because there are so many steps to this process, I'm going to be going to Señora's classes tomorrow to get the students up and running. I made this instruction sheet and posted it to the Moodle, and I thought it might be useful for others, too. I'll update later about any pitfalls I encounter.

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